Data Node with Customizable Input Form
We are working to create a construction site visit report template in Bluebeam, and would like the ability to place a "Data Node" object on a PDF sheet that, by clicking the object, brings up a pop-up dialogue box with customizable data entry and attachment capabilities (such as adding images). I know that an image can be attached to an object already, but we need more customizable input fields as a pop-up dialogue when clicking the "Data Node" and more abilities to utilize the data that is tied to the Node. The pop-up dialogue box would group this data directly to the Node, and would be more user-friendly than utilizing comments or the Markups List to manually group info.
From there, we would like to reference data within the Data Node on future pages in the report either by automatically creating a new PDF page for each Data Node with the input data presented in a customizable template or by referencing the userform data for Nodes within dropdown lists on later pages.
Could also be cool to have a "status" or other flag item that could be selected or toggled to trigger formatting options or other conditional actions.
Below is a snip of how the input would occur after placing a Data Node on a PDF plan exhibit.
This idea may be possible with current Bluebeam tools and features, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. The Summary Report from the Markups List gets kinda close to automating data collection and presenting as a report, but it looks very crude, isn't user-friendly, and doesn't suit the ultimate needs we have for report aesthetics.
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