hatch tool lineweight
When hatching an area in bluebeam, you can change the lineweight of the shape, but you can't change the lineweight of the hatch. Sometimes it is hard to see the hatch. This would be a nice feature to consider adding.
Hi @Paul Lefebvre (HDR) - I changed the size of the Hatch scale as an example below:
The Markup on the left has the scale at 50% and the Markup on the right has it set to 200%.
Would this work for you?
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Not exactly. I have used this feature for hatches such as "dots", where the density or scale of the hatch kind of gives me what I want. But this doesn't change the weight of the hatching lines. An example would be if you use the diagonal hatch pattern. The lineweight I've used for the shape is 3, but the hatch lineweight always remains the same no matter the scale of the hatch.
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Thanks so much for the clarification, @Paul Lefebvre (HDR)! I'm not an expert like you, but thought it was worth a try to help out.
You've submitted this in the right spot as a feature suggestion! Another option that takes a few steps would be to edit and change that specific hatch pattern in the Hatch Pattern Editor and then change the line weight of the shape.
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