Is there a way to Convert Counts to Markups?
I've been trying to find a way to translate Counts to markups. I suggested it as an Idea in the Community, but has either gotten ignored or assumingly there may be already a way to do this. To get a better understanding on why I'm trying to chase the following:
I work as a Project Engineering for an Electrical Subcontractor. We have a Bidding department that specifically uses the Counts tool in Revu Bluebeam to quickly and easily count Several different devices, gear, floor boxes.. Pretty much any electrical component is marked. Then, that is kind of where the road ends for counts. We (as Project Engineers) do not really use those counts anymore. We will use custom Markups and essentially create a detailed Matrix for all of those devices with Markups. We have a toolbox full of Markups for Various box sizes, KO's, Whips etc.. We then convert (our Project Engineering Markups) to CVC Excel, measure the amount of material, and then give details to our Prefab and Procurement departments.
Hopefully, that makes sense and why I am asking on how to do this. Unfortunately, this is quite frustrating to us when you have to essentially do this process twice. There is not really any other way to use the Counts tool except for a Legend. I have experimented with the API and Scripting into this with the Revu Bluebeam Complete version. However, after creating what I could, there was not a specific way to do this. A Java script is pretty much a layer/sheet of coding done on top of a Revu Bluebeam document- Where as I believe a request like this would need to be done more internally into Revu it's self. Hopefully I am incorrect on this and I can get an answer here.
Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Best Answer
@DanielCraneSon While there is not a way to find and replace a count symbol in Revu there are some other techniques that may help accomplish a similar outcome.
- Converting a tool to a count:
To do this in your tool box where you have for example your GJ1 tool you can right click on that tool and click create count.
Then you will have a count tool with that symbol.
2. Using the measurement column to count markups with the same subject:
Alternatively, as long as the tool is not a measurement tool, you can place your tools as normal. If they have a distinct subject and you sort by subject, the markups list will total all the markups of the same type as long as you have the measurement column turned on. It default to counts.3. Splitting all markups.
Finally you also have the ability to split counts once you have created them. So if you use the symbol as your count tool and then wanted to separate them into individual markups after the fact you can do so by right clicking on the count and selected split all.Would any of these techniques resolve your issue?
Hi @DanielCraneSon ! Thank you for being a member of Bluebeam Community!
Your posts certainly weren't ignored, they were just in the product ideas & feedback section. Although we can't respond to every product suggestion and idea we receive, we 1000% read and see every single one.
I'm not a Bluebeam expert like you, and won't be able to answer this technical question for you, but I promise to keep an eye out to see if any of your peers can help answer your question!
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@DanielCraneSon I want to make sure I understand your request. You would like to find every symbol that is used for a count, and replace it with another markup symbol?
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@Glynis D. Correct. As you know, counts are pretty much just a giant group. But, in this example I'll attach I have 4 "GJ1" fixture counts I am wanting to replace with a "GJ1" markup I have located in my toolbox. In the instance where I would like to customize these individually I would need to convert or delete them from the Count. But, If I delete the count the it deletes the entire group of counts. Again, I'll attach an example of what we're trying to do below:
Thank you for the response!
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Thank you for that response and information!
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@Glynis D. This is an alternative we have attempted to try, unfortunately we actually use the label as well. This does Method does appear to keep our custom columns though. I'll attempt to better explain below:
-I may have used a poor example where I was more on the fixture side of things, but where we really use this primarily is for out In Wall power devices. As a rough example I have right clicked in my tool box, right clicked on the "Count" function as you have I believe. However, I am unable to change the Label as it is just called (assumingly) Count "1" and Count "2":
-Where as a finished product we tend to change everything on that markup. All of our tool box tools have a specific meaning such as the interior color represents out box types, Exterior Border colors represent mud rings, and even our Text Color has a definition of conduit. We also number all of our assemblies for tracking as well as shown below:
There is a sequence option for a text box markup, however this isn't something we found much use of to us just yet.
-Below is what our Estimating department comes up with in the Bid set drawings. Just a quick l markup with a subject and Legend. Now, I am able to convert all these to a different/Custom stamp (in this case the Black Border Blue interior R on the following image. But I am still unable to get that customization I am able to get. Even after splitting it, it is still considered a count. Where as Essentially out entire tool box are just Text Boxes (we also have custom columns we import as well after wards for even further information).
-Below is just a small example of this everything that has been translated as it what we're aiming to do. We just need them to be text boxes and not counts.
We would 100% utilize this on everything we do if there is any other way. Even if it is a script or an API that can help make this possible. We tend to do very large scale jobs such as airports, stadiums, schools, etc. and this would help our company translate very quickly to our Procurement and Pre Fabrication. Again for curiosity reason, the reason why our Estimating department does things this way is because it is the fastest and quickest way for them to do this. If there is maybe a Meeting we can set up as well it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for the response and help!
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Ideally, we should have the flexibility to convert anything into anything else. This ties directly to @DanielCraneSon's initial request. For example, even when converting one type of count measurement to another, the resulting object still lacks the ability to be rotated, resized, or transformed in other ways—such as visualizing a count as a receptacle.
Additionally, we should be able to transform any object into any other type. Here are a few examples:
- Convert a rectangle into a polygon (e.g., by adding nodes).
- Transform a polygon into an area measurement. (This is particularly relevant because I’ve had cases where I mistakenly created a large area measurement using a polygon, and the only solution was to delete and start over.)
- Change a line into a polyline or a polyline into a polyline measurement.
- Switch one toolbox item to another.
- etc.
This kind of flexibility would significantly improve usability and reduce the need for workarounds.
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