How do I completly disable snapshot?
I am referring to this. When Bluebeam Revu x64 is open, and I've not noticed it before, this pops up when I press the screenshot button.
That would be fine except it removes the screenshot data if I wait too long. It also doesn't let me paste into other applications. I would prefer to disable this feature completely.
I've not seen a way to disable it in settings.
This seems like a Windows issue. I personally have never experienced this. Perhaps disable the snipping feature or change the hotkey settings (in Windows).
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The attached image you posted is quite small, but for me, I use the default Windows Snipping Tool often and that is linked to my PRTSCR button. You can change that in the snipping tool settings which also has a link to your actual Windows shortcuts settings.
Within Bluebeam, using the Snapshot tool (G) to copy flattened PDF content is best and has many advantages such as more content awareness/transparency capabilities. Not sure if that's what you're referring to.
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