Fix Automark bug that reads from bottom up
I've noticed this issue for a while, but was hoping it would get fixed at some point… I'm not sure why, but some times when I use Automark the program reads the bottom line first, then moves up instead of starting from the top and reading down. The workaround is to assign separate regions per line in the title block, but this adds a lot of extra time to the process. This impacts assigning Tags, as well as Page Labels.
This happens to me sometimes as well. I was under the impression that this is a result of how the original drawing was created. If there is a solution, it would indeed be extremely helpful!
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I understand your concern but I love this "feature" because our sheet number is directly below our sheet name and we want the number to show up first. 😁
But as for your concern, I assumed it read things left to right so if the bottom text starts left of the top text, it would come first. This may not be the case, it is just what I assumed based on old experiences elsewhere. Also, could font size play a role in determining hierarchy?
I'll test my theory and let you know what I find.
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The first test from a typical detail sheet showed it was all over the place. I'll have to make a test file from scratch to ensure everything is aligned properly. It would be nice to have a setting that allowed users to control whether the priority is top/down or left/right (or reverse) but this apparent randomness is weird.
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It never occurred to me that it was reading left-to-right. But, when the drafter is centering the text in the title block, this will happen. A priority setting would be nice, if that would fix the problem!
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Update - If it was a "left-to-right" issue, the example below would read in correctly- but it's not:
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