Windows snip / screen capture directly as Bluebeam PDF feature request

JVC Posts: 1
edited December 2024 in Product Ideas & Feedback

A feature that would be very useful would be the ability to use the Windows Snip tool (or a Bluebeam snip tool) on an AutoCAD drawing, PPT, Excel or any document just like Windows Snip can, but then the snip would automatically make a Bluebeam pdf that I could use the Bluebeam editing / markup tools on. Yes I know you can snip and print to a pdf but in live presentations it takes too much time to do the print, save to folder. What I see myself and a lot of others doing is making a snip live while in an active online Teams style meeting and then marking up the snips using the very underpowered lame snip markup tools. If I could snip a section of whatever was being displayed on screen and them mark it up quickly using Bluebeam markup tools it would greatly enhance the virtual Team's style meetings.

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  • I would suggest, if this does work, is that it should work just like the snip works inside Bluebeam. Meaning, one would take a screenshot outside of Bluebeam paste it into any doc in Bluebeam.

    (I currently use ShareX and have an easy time pasting it into Bluebeam.)

  • I hadn't considered this before because it would require a change by the snapshot tool. But I took a look and I now know how to do this with my snapshot tool of choice.

    I use Greenshot and one of the options after taking the snapshot is to send it to a printer. Since print to pdf is an option, I send it there and it opens the new pdf automatically. Maybe your tool has a similar function.