"ERROR copying file"
On Bluebeam Revu, when I try to print to PDF, I receive the message "ERROR copying file" C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Bluebeam Revu\21\Revu\Win64, C:\WINDOWS\system32 : BBPdfMon.ddl. What does this mean?
I noticed that my Printer Bluebeam PDF was no longer there.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best Answers
Hi @Frank!
I'm no technical expert and not entirely sure what that message means, but thought I'd send over two support articles in case they work for you:
- Reinstall the PDF printer support article
- Error occurred during post-processing - support article
If this doesn't work, you may want to submit a support ticket to our team!
You can do so here:
1 -
Anytime, @Frank !
Good morning, Angela.
Thank you for the quick response. I came across the Reinstall article and I was going to send it to our support team, since you have to be an Administrator to do this.
I think this should work. I came across this a few years back but I couldn't remember the solution to get this fixed.
Thanks again for the quick response Angela.
Have a great day.
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