Cutouts listed in Overview of Markups and Measurements

Hello Guys, hope you are doing fine,

I'm working with Bluebeam Revu now for one year and im overall really happy with the software and the provided tutorials. As a tender engineer, i measure quantities all the time, and sometimes I even have to make the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) myself.

Therefore, something i would love to have is, that the Polygon Cutouts i make, will be listed in de Markup and Measurement List as well (as negatives then). For example, i measure a Facade, and do the cutouts for each window of this facade, When extracting this Markups and Measurements List, the cutouts are not listed anymore, but it would be great to see, how the surface has been calculated, and where the deduction came from. Maybe I dont see where the function can be found, but i think it would be of great value.


2 votes

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  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 50

    Hey @Darko,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this, and we've taken note of your request. While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you. 

    Is there another way we can assist you? Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to potentially collaborating on future projects. 

  • vfrench
    vfrench Posts: 43

    I fill the voids left by window cutouts with a new markup. From that I can work out the lintels required, if any sort of cavity closure is required, etc..