Only Display One of each Toolbox Item in Create Legend feature
Currently, from my understanding, there are two ways to create a legend. To go to the tool box and click on the settings gear and select create new legend. This is great, however it pulls every single device of every toolbox type. So if i have 20 Cameras on my print, it shows all 20 in the legend. It would be so great to have the option to show unique devices only. That way instead of showing 20 cameras, it only shows 1 so the user can easily identify that all 20 purple circles are "outdoor cameras".
I know that alternatively, you can hand pick a device in the sheet and right click and add to legend and it will only add that one unique device. However, if you have a sheet with a 100 different device types, this could be very time consuming to locate them all, right-click and add to legend.
Thank you for taking the time to review this feature request and hope it is something that can be easily implemented :).
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