Allow Content Level Changes within BB Studio Sessions improving design collaboration
We would request (almost plead) with Bluebeam to allow Bluebeam Studio Sessions to be optimally used during the design process. At present, we upload a package of bound drawings to a studio session. Several engineers collaborate (simultaneously marking up the drawings), and prepare to send the markups to CAD. Let's say there are 20 drawings, but 3 drawings are extracted from the 20, and sent to CAD. Here is the problem: It would be VERY helpful to insert these freshly CADed drawings individually into the bound set of 20 drawings. In other words, the Studio Session is requested to be a 'live' stick set, and would offer HUGE efficiency for the design team. As I understand it, this is called "Content Level Changes" or "Core Level Changes". At present, a user would need to remove the bound set of 20 drawings, replace the 3 drawings with the freshly CADed drawings, and upload the new 'stick set' within Studio Sessions. We often replace individual drawings within our 'stick set' several times a day, so without "Core Level Changes" the workflow is onerous and inefficient. Would you please consider this enhancement ? Possibly, default to the way the permissions are now, but with special administrator permission (a software 'slider switch' or 'checkbox' for example) - Core Level changes would be enabled. Again - this would be SO helpful for collaborative design. Thank you for your consideration.
Guy Ehlers
Carollo Engineers.
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