Allow for Session Types - Restrictive or Non-restrictive Environments

Zen Rookhuyzen
Zen Rookhuyzen Posts: 4
edited November 2024 in Product Ideas & Feedback

Bluebeam Sessions are currently set up to restrict others from modifying comments; I totally understand this approach in a QC or comment environment - I wouldn't want to find my comments deleted in that type of environment.

However we have some Bluebeam sessions that are collaborative like performing quantity takeoffs, for these kinds of sessions it would be nice to be able to turn off those rules that would apply to QC of not modifying other's work. I would think this would be a setting that could be set while creating a session.

The vision would be that staff would go in and create quantities as needed - as the project progresses, a different user could go in a modify or delete an existing element, and add new elements to replace that which was deleted. The modified element would inherit the owner of the most recent change to the element.

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