Shortcut Key to call last tool/last command
Hello there ! Most software used by designers (Autocad, Rhino etc) have a last command shortcut.
Spacebar by default for Autocad for example.
Process: Use a command, do something else (move around, switch to another software etc), press the shortcut for last command, get back to what you were doing
That would be really appreciated for Bluebeam to implement something like that. Imagine how much time we would save.
Thank you
Alrighty ! Let's get this idea upvoted !
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This sounds awesome!
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There is a "reuse tools" option under preferences/tools & there's also an icon that can be toggled on & off in the status bar:
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What you are talking about is hidden by default
I enabled it and I still can't call call the last tool with enter or spacebar or anything else.
I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut to it, it just enables/disables it, doesn't do anything else.0 -
The "Reuse Tools" option only works on a tool that is selected, after a markup is placed, and it enables you to keep on reusing that tool. Once you hit ESC, it no longer recalls it. (this can also be activated by double clicking on a tool).
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Well that's a bad design, we need a repeat last command even after escape or enter or anything else
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