Inherited Authorship When Copying Comments to a Session PDF
Our workflow in our office often has us copying comments from one PDF into another PDF in a session. However, we lose all authorship information of the comments with the person copying over the comments inheriting the comments. Is there any way to maintain the author of the comments when copying those into a session?
Yes, please. We often have to transfer unfinished comments to a newer set and replacing pages isn't practical. But if I become the comment owner, then people can't go to the original author for clarification. Even if it could just say created by: "Karen" edited by: "Luke" would help.
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Agree this is a problem, I have seen many auditing issues on this. Having a way to indicate that a markup or comment is being made on behalf of another person would be helpful.
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Yes - this is a huge frustration when migrating unresolved comments forward to an updated set in a session!
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