Using Bluebeam Sets for CA Stick Set/Record Set
Hey Beamers.
Friday, I made a presentation to our Principals and Sr. Associates about how we can use Bluebeam Sets to track our revisions and supplementary sketches once the Construction Administration phase (CA) starts. I thought it was a warm reception. We are moving forward toward presenting this to the firm PMs.
Do any of you regularly use sets to track CA changes and updates?
If so, any pitfalls with that practice?
Any tips on getting a high change adoption on managing the CA Record Set or Stick Set?
We use Sets to track changes with Construction/IFC drawing revisions. The only fallback is that Sets aren't available on the iPad. It also appears that Sets aren't going to be supported on Web (formerly Cloud) - at least not yet. Our workaround is to export a Linked Drawing Log, and add that PDF to the folder (to be used as a Set-specific Drawing Index Sheet).
Sets are a great way to simplify the Batch Link and Batch Slipsheet processes, as well as making the Search function more efficient.
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No other comments??? I wish I could upvote my own post LOL
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