Bluebeam projects Gone
I have not used projects for some time and have just discovered it has gone replaced with studio how can i recover my "old" projects
Best Answer
Hi Mark, are you referring to Bluebeam Cloud Projects? If so, as of August 27th, Bluebeam has retired Bluebeam Cloud Projects and as a result, you will not be able to create new Projects in Bluebeam Cloud.
If you need access to Cloud Projects to export your data, you can submit a request, using the form below, for a temporary restoration of the Project.
Please provide the following information:
The need or reason behind the extension request (Deadlines, exporting Project data)
Email domain that needs access to Cloud Projects.
We are committed to enhancing these experiences and will continue to focus on creating a seamless, connected experience through Studio.I hope this helps,
Hi Hercia,
Thank you for your help
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