Custom Columns Tabbing

DanielCraneSon Posts: 7
edited July 2024 in Product Ideas & Feedback

In previous versions Revu Bluebeam, I was able to tab after filling out a custom column and it picked up a Text that I used before (Auto-Complete I believe). I was then able to Use my arrow keys, and I could press "Enter" for the Auto-Complete > Tab, and then it would take me to my next column line. Where as Now, When I press Enter/Tab to the next line it does Not do that and then starts tabbing across all my markups in my document. Note- This only happens when I want to select an Auto-Complete item it picked up that I already typed out before. Adapting to this has slowed my productivity a little bit over the past year. Is there anyway that this can get reverted? I don't see any options that specific in the Preferences on Tabbing. Has anyone else had similar issues?

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