Finish Session - Automation

Would like the ability to automate session closure via a checkbox or two.

The purpose of this request to expedite the session close and matching the session back to the project and automatically uploading the markups back to the project.

Here is an example:

  1. Upload file to Project
  2. Create Session from Project.
  3. File is in the session
    1. Markups are applied in the session
  4. Click Finish Session
  5. Save Options is set to Overwrite Existing.
  6. Close Files After Finishing is Checked
  7. New Option to Auto-Check-In back to project is selected. - This would apply to ALL files in the session. A fair ask if need be from the user is they all need to originate from the same project.
  8. Pressing Okay will automatically check-in all markups from multiple files back to the session that they were apart of and once they are checked-in they, their respective tab would then close.
  9. Result is the markups are back in the project and there is less time on having to click on each tab and check-in each file. Viewport pop-up may still be there understandably.
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