search multiple terms

I need to search thru 1500 documents for specific terms. I would be a good enhancement to have multiple search terms and indexing. Indexing a set of documents would speed to results. Multiple search terms are needed to limit the results. The search engines have delimiters for separating terms, and also have plus and minus for terms that must or not include respectively.
This is my second submission. when entering the tags below the message was lost.
Tags: Search, Multiple, Indexing,
I can see how beneficial this would be. Are you specifically looking to search a list of documents or look for combinations within individual documents?
For example, do you want to search all 1500 documents for (contractor + shall - provide) without opening any of them? Or is adding the boolean search terms within the open document enough?
The challenge is how to instruct Bluebeam to search for a word anywhere vs when part of a phrase. We typically use quotes to search for a phrase ("contractor shall" - provide)
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