Widening an area measurement

A feature that allows expanding an area measurement in all directions would be useful. The idea is to extend the base area (solid line) of the sample image by 20 cm in all directions to create the light blue area (dashed line).

Such a feature can be very useful for measuring excavation pits or floor slabs, especially for floor plans with many corners.

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Active · Last Updated


  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for posting - this is a great suggestion and something we have heard. For your use case, is the expectation that you would expand the original area then delete that original area? Or, would you want to expand the original area and keep the new second expanded area? If the latter, is there then an expectation to use the original area as a cutout of the second area? Basically…this would leave you with a "20 cm band" around the shape. I know these are fairly detailed questions but just curious to get your thoughts on this.


  • Tom Fölster
    Tom Fölster Posts: 3
    edited October 2024

    Hi @Luke Prescott

    Thank you for your response. Since I can imagine different use cases for such a feature, both options would be very useful. However, in most cases, I would need the total expanded area.

    The "20 cm band" mentioned in the example is something I calculate using the perimeter of the area and the corresponding width. While this method isn’t completely accurate, it’s precise enough for my work. Of course, simpler and more accurate results are always welcome.


  • Thanks for this, Tom. Good to know! We'll be sure to keep Community posted for any updates.