Determining quantities places different measurements in different columns.
Area measurement comes in column area. Length measurement in Column length and length measurement multiplied by depth in the wall surface.
In construction it is very common for different measurements to be used for one subject to arrive at the quantity. For example, kit work. Length measurement for the horizontal part and numbers multiplied by the depth for the the corners. In Revu these quantities appear in different columns. Columns must therefore be added together to arrive at the total quantity. Is it possible to design this differently?
I have very good ideas about this because I am now creating my own column series. This works very well for 90% of companies, but I deviate from the standard in Revu. Legande, Quantityk link work less well because of this.
What many users also have a problem with is the depth column. The depth is actually the height. The height of a wall or frame. Depth is seen from a software perspective. Not from the user.
Could this also be adjusted?
I also have ideas regarding other names for the columns to better suit the users.
Hi Marcel,
That's a good observation about depth vs height. Thanks for sharing that. Looking forward to learning more.
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