Support for Dropbox for Business "Teams folders" on Revu for iPad
Please make it possible to connect to "teams folders" within the document manager of iPad for Teams.
Hi @mlardi-LEC,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this, and we've taken note of your request. Could you share more detail on how this feature would help you?
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to potentially collaborating on future projects.
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Our company's project library resides on a shared "team" folder. When we are in the field, we would like to be able to open PDFs from the project folder as we walk the site without having to copy them to a personal Dropbox folder.
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I'm having the same issue. Is there a solution here? Everyone in our company operates out of a dropbox team folder, but I'm only able to link my home folder in revu for ipad. I purchased Bluebeam to upgrade from another app called pdfExpert, which does allow access to our dropbox team folder.
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