Bluebeam for android
Please make a fully functioning app for Android users. IOS users have an app that works tremendous for iPads. I have to make a lot of redline updates to blueprints out in the field. By having an app for my android tablet would do so much help for the bluebeam community who uses android.
Levi Tkaczyk
Hi @Levi,
We hear you loud and clear. Our Android app is a couple of years behind iOS, but we've focused this year on catching up. Expect exciting features in the coming months. Since launching Bluebeam Cloud in 2022, we've gathered valuable feedback from web and iOS users. The biggest challenge has been creating a connected experience across Revu (desktop PC), web, and iOS.
We're actively working on ways for Android users to collaborate and access PDFs. We're also planning to roll out more markup capabilities on Android. Thank you for your patience and support!
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Hey Alan,
Why are you leaving so many users behind?
This latest update seems to have delivered zero meaningful change for Android users and our team is still left without a usable system of collaborating in the field.
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Hi Nyssa,
Thank you for sharing your feedback.
We understand your frustration with the current state of our Android app. Bluebeam Cloud launched on iOS and Web in 2022, and we introduced our first version on Android in Spring 2023. We know that our Android app currently lacks some of the features available on iOS, and this impacts your ability to work effectively in the field.
We are committed to bringing meaningful updates and improvements to our Android users. Our team is actively working on enhancing the app, including collaboration tools and robust markup capabilities. While the development lifecycles for Android and iOS are different, we are dedicated to ensuring that the Android app becomes a powerful tool for all your needs.
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to improve. Your feedback is invaluable, and we appreciate your understanding.
Shawn Dawson
Product Manager
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Completely agree as I only use Android devices. Amazing that a company in today's world does not have Android support. Bought the $330 software and a nice tablet and can not use it…. Should have checked the software first but who does not support Android with 44% market share…
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