Offset measurement for excavation

In construction projects, precise measurements are crucial, especially when preparing the foundation of a building. An offset is used to create a boundary around the structure, typically extending 1.8 meters from the building's perimeter. This offset allows for the necessary workspace for construction excavation. By measuring the area around the house and applying the offset, one can calculate the actual surface area that needs excavation. To determine the volume of soil to be removed, one would multiply this surface area by the depth of the excavation. Is there a solution to get this offset done with Bluebeam?
I believe Revu 21 has this function. Unfortunately, it's not available in earlier versions.
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Hi, I'm using R21 and have not seen such a function. Can you tell me where to look?
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I'm on R20 so haven't used it myself but from the link…
How to multiply a markup
Before you begin, you must calibrate the scale of your drawing.
- Create your markup or measurement.
- Right-click the markup, and select Multiply.
- Choose the direction you want to place the copies.
- Enter the distance between the copies, and choose the unit of measurement.
- Enter the number of copies you want to create.
- Select OK.
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Hi Luke
I know this function but this works segment per segment not over a surface.
you move the total object in on direction only. You have to do it for each direction. Result is a mess of lines. Doesn't work.
I'm looking for a better solution.
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