Hi, , it would be great if we could filter markup by Text Box Color inside the text box, not just only the text color. I explain my idea, we have this big site, we are testing device, when they are tested, we put GREEN background on the textbox we put beside the icon with the adress of the device, when there is a problem we put yellow and white is when nothing as been tested yet.This shows us what is tested, have problem or is not tested yet with a single look at the plan. If we could filtre this in the markup list below, it would save us time looking at the big plan. Instead, they just show red because the actual TEXT color is red… impossible to filter by backgroud textbox color. I opened a ticket with support and they confirm this would be a new feature.
I don't know if what you ask can be done but I would probably switch to changing the "status" of a markup and use rules to change the color. This way you can change the status of the mark up between Not Tested (white), Tested - Passed (green), and Tested - Problem (yellow). You can even add "replies" to the markup so that you can add information like what was wrong, or what has been tried to fix it.
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I am doubling down on "Status" its a great feature, it can be filtered, you can save pre-set filters in Complete and then easy to create a report based on the Subject name and Status state. And with Studio Sessions on the Web and soon to be on your mobile devices, it will get even easier to use. I have a client that used this for roof inspections. Here is a link to their case study -
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Just adding my voice here, like @Luke Shiras and @Shanoc Halliday Bluebeam , Statuses ware the way to go here. you then have access to all the filtering you want and you can have a color change on status (to maintain consistency with your users you are habituated with what the colors mean).
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