Turn On & Off Mark-Ups
Hello Bluebeam
I cannot believe that Bluebeam does not have the function to turn mark-ups on and off. Having to complete a layer to make this work is not user friendly. As a planswift user that now uses Bluebeam, you are a mile behind.
Please include this as a standard function in Bluebeam.
Additionally, Planswift also auto calculates the mark-ups, the way Bluebeam does this is also not as user friendly as the way planswift does this. It would be helpful if the total could be seen directly on the toolset.
I've never used Planswift. What do you mean "turn markups on and off"? Do you mean specific markups? Do you mean all markups?
I also don't know what "auto calculates the markups" means.
There may be a way to accomplish what you want, I just need a little more detail.
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If I understand the "turn markups off" correctly, the easiest method I can think of is using filters on the markup list. While this would work, it would be nice to have a global option to hide/show markups rather than messing with filters.
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Hello! Peter from Bluebeam here. We have great news related to the ask to be able to hide specific markups, this functionality will be available in Revu 21.2 which releases later this month!
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