Quick and Easy Page Extraction From Thumbnails View
For quick and easy page extraction, allow the user to drag selected thumbnail pages out of the Thumbnails view and into an open File Explorer window. PDF-XChange Editor and Adobe Acrobat allows this type of seamless extraction. Note that this simple method of extraction does not offer options, such as "delete pages after extracting". It's merely a drag and drop feature that saves a few extra extract clicks.
Hi Merrell,
This is a great suggestion - thanks for posting. There is a similar feature you can use today which may help. If you have two instances of Revu open, you can drag and drop thumbnails between the two thumbnails panels. This will allow you to grab specific pages from one file, drop them into a new file, then save that file to the destination of choice.
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Wanting to 2nd this from the author. The functionality from a drag and drop export (Not into a 2nd Revu instance) is a huge time saver in general.
Example: I need to export specific pages and instead of going through and selecting what file I want to export everything into I can select my pages and drag and drop them into my file explorer. Having to navigate over and over every time to multiple drives every time I need to export gets tedious.
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