Is there a way to use Studio functionalities with our on-prem Sharepoint site?
We are not allowed to use Studio because it reaches out to commercial cloud-based system.
Hi @R Mariano, Thank you so much for reaching out to us with this question, and we've taken note of your request. At the moment, the capability you're inquiring about is unavailable.
While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to potentially collaborating on future topics.
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Glad to read this question and thank you @Alan A. for your answer. We are also looking for a way to integrate Bluebeam on-prem with our Sharepoint. We are aware of the Sharepoint Integration app: , but Microsoft is shutting down all apps (as per: ) in Sharepoint, rendering this solution impossible.
We would love for there to be another solution to be able to open and save files directly from Sharepoint with on-prem Revu.
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