📢 New exclusive group for Bluebeam Certified Professionals!
👋 Hello, Bluebeam Certified Professionals!
We've created a new private group exclusively for BCPs. Join us to engage in discussions and share insights with fellow certified members. To request access, visit the group page and click "Join." Bluebeam Staff will review and verify your certification before granting access. We're working on automating this process for the future.
🏅 You can also request the new BCP badge, which comes with points, on the Badges and Ranks page!
🛑 Not certified yet? Learn more on the Bluebeam University BCP page.
There should be an Honoray Certificate for those of with 15+ years of Bluebeam use….
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I second it
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It's honestly not a difficult certification to acquire if you have experience. I'm personally against participation trophies. It tends to dilute the value of the certification. But that's just my opinion.
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