Offer an ability to disable all cloud/collaborate/studio functionality
In industries like government or health work, there are very intensive security requirements for what we need in a cloud provider in order to use them. Bluebeam does not meet our requirements, and it would be nice to have an easy way to block studio/collab administratively without needing to implement firewall or DNS blocks.
Do you need to keep users from making Studio Sessions entirely?
I don't have a solution but I can see how that could be a need. Ideally, I'd like to see an option where you can have a Studio Session but limit it to a local server so only people on the local network can have access. That way you get the benefit of collaborative workflow without the security risk.
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BB Studio function is good to have. It can save time collaborating with the project team. I have a similar posting about the Studio function. We are not allowed to use it because of the same reason as reported in this post. It would be good to have three options for Studio. (1) Keep as is for commercial type data; (2) Option to use on-prem resources, such as Sharepoint/Teams; and (3) Disable Studio function. Although there is a Bluebeam and Sharepoint intergration, (
it does not allow Studio collaboration functionality. The Sharepoint integration only allows to activate Revu when a PDF is selected in the Sharepoint environment. Therefore, option 2 request still stands.0 -
I am looking for the additional documentation about disabling BlueBeam cloud functionality teased in this link:
How to disable access to Bluebeam services | Bluebeam Technical Support
The link at the bottom took me to the community, how do we engage the product team?
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Hi Will and others,
There are a few approaches we want to take to address some of the needs in this thread. First off, we'd like to offer the right level of security and compliance tools so that Studio and Cloud can be used on a variety of different projects. Secondly, if it's determined that Studio and Cloud can't be used, we would like to offer more control over access to services via Org Admin. We have an aggressive roadmap on both of these fronts so we'll be sure to keep the community updated as things progress.
What are some of the security frameworks or compliance requirements SaaS providers would need to meet for projects which currently don't allow use of Studio or Cloud?
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FedRAMP and CMMC, CJIS would also likely be within these controls as well.
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Can you provide the roadmap of these changes?
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Hi WillGGT,
We will be introducing more user access and data controls into Org Admin in the first half of 2025. This work is following a number of identify management updates slated for this year. We'll be keeping the community posted on this as we ship.
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