More Built-In count Symbols
It would be useful to have more than 5 built-in count symbols to use. I commonly have to use re-use built-in symbols and use different colors when having 10 built-in symbols would be much better. Thanks.
Hi @danielbl! I do agree that having more built-in symbols would be great!
Have you tried creating your own from a snapshot or markup?
Add the markup to a toolset, right-click, and then choose Create Count.
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Hi, yes we already have tens of custom markup counts in our company toolboxes. However having more inbuilt choices would be helpful if I need to easily make a count of a sub-type of device.
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We are marking up construction drawings with fire alarm and security system devices. We have shared company custom toolboxes with generic devices like smoke detectors, CCTV cameras etc. However, fairly often I find that I need a to count a device or drawing feature that is not in our generic toolbox library, and then I use the built-in counts. I frequently run out of the built-in counts as there are only five. Doubling the built-in count shapes to ten would meet my needs. Thanks!
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