Web Based Add-in

New Outlook will eventually be the default Microsoft Mail app and it only supports web-based add-ins. Since many people are starting to use New Outlook in organizations, I hope your COM add-ins get converted to web based soon so it can continue to be used. Thank you.

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Hi Jen. I am curious if anyone has reached out regarding the web-based add-ins you wrote about. I submitted a ticket to Revu about this earlier this morning.

  • Jen
    Jen Posts: 2

    Hello Ian,

    This was the original response I received from their Support Team which is why I posted the request/suggestion to this page.

    "I haven't heard anything internally, however this does not mean that its not being worked on.  For now, unfortunately this would be a feature request.  I have forwarded your feedback to the Product Team, however it may be pertinent to send this suggestion directly to them via our Suggestions page.  They review these suggestions and use them to drive their future decisions."

  • Thanks Jen. I am a bit surprised that this is even a question and disappointed that no one has appeared to have acknowledged your post. Perhaps they messaged you personally I guess…