Is there any way to create custom Line end and line starts?
I need to create custom shapes for line starts and line ends. Currently, I can create new line styles and patterns, but not custom line ends or starts. I would appreciate if someone could help me with this or if it's possible to request the developers to add this feature.
This would be a great feature. This may have to be posted as a "New Idea" so people can vote on it.
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How do you create custom line styles? I need more than the standard ones in the dropdown and can't find a tutorial on how to do this. Is there a way to import more line styles than the standard ones? Thanks in advance!
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@Nancy Goldstein this might help. I find videos to be better for learning this topic though.
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Hi, Luke -
Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, "Manage" is grayed out in my object style dropdown. I'm running Revu x64 Basics. I guess the ability to access the advanced styles menu or create custom linetypes would require an upgrade!
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Well that stinks. Can you "Open" this file and see if it will load the "Sketchy" line type I exported.
If this works, then you can at least ask the community to make any custom line style you need or import them from websites.
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Hi, Luke -
I apologize for the delayed response. I upgraded to Core because I wanted some of its other features, like angle calculation. Importing your .blx file was no problem and now I have your sketchy line :-). I'll review the video link again and hopefully I'll be able to create the other linetypes that I need. Thanks so much for your help!
Best, Nancy
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