Form Field UI and functionality improvements

Here are some of the biggest issues I have with using form fields, especially when creating close to 100 or more on a form with calculations.

  • Form field panel is very simplified scroll system. No search tool available
  • I cannot change all properties when selecting multiple fields (i.e. alignment, data type), and even if the selection is available, there are many times when the new setting (font options especially) does not stick to all.
  • Setting X and Y or field sizing does not always stick when multiple are selected
  • Changing form field tab order HAS to be done one field at a time. Please let me drag and drop multiple, or even better, right click and move before another selection.
  • When moving a form field in tab order, and when a ton of fields are present, the speed in which you can drag changes randomly. I find myself trying to drag up, goes super slow, then I have to hold my drag, but kind of reset the scrolling by pulling down then back up to see if I get a different speed this time.
  • Export markups and form data together (I can import both at once if they are both in FDF format, seems like it would be simple to add combined export)

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  • Another issue I have with Form Fields is when creating a new document and I want to copy fields into it.

    When I copy them, the name is set to a default value rather than keeping the name of the field from the source document.

    For example, copying six text form fields in, will result in "Text1","Text2","Text3","Text4","Text5","Text6" being created - when those are not the original names.

    This is most irritating. It works fine with NitroPDF so can't be difficult to implement!

  • You can probably set them to a layer and export the layer, re-import on new and it should keep them, but yes I wish it were simple copy paste as well. They also do not hold the layer on export, so that would probably have to be set again in order to use repeatedly