configurable control point size

is there a way or could this feature be added, to vary/change the size of control points?

4 votes

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  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 400

    Good question. I don't think so but it might be nice. Changing the colors might be a good option to add too.

  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 50

    Hi there, This is a good question. @kwatson could you share how this would help you?

  • kwatson
    kwatson Posts: 7

    It would help to increase Bluebeam's accessibility for users who may be compromised visually or with fine motor skills.
    An increase in the control point size will allow users who aren't too accurate to increase their usability.
    As a Multiple Sclerosis patient, i lack fine motor skills & have a visual impairment that can hinder my performance as the day wears on.
    many thanks.

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 170

    @kwatson :Just chiming in here to say thank you for sharing your personal story as to why having the ability to change the size of control points would be an improved experience for you. Although the team can’t make any promises and accommodate all feature requests, it’s extremely beneficial to know the human element behind an ask. Thanks for being you, Kilian.

  • kwatson
    kwatson Posts: 7

    Thank you for the 'callout' Angela.
    Blessings to you on this day.

  • I'm okay with the defualt coloring as they all have meaning (yellow- control point, grey-locked control point, purple-control point in a group, blue-scale/size). However i agree on sizes. Even just having the point magnify slightly on hover. It's like the annoying google maps 'feature', zooming in on a street to read the street name but the text stays the same size…. It' s gripe I have for all these miniscule things to grab, tiny control points, corners of windows, middle dividers, Bluebeam Panels/tabs. You have to hit just the right pixel to grab them, instead of having a popup handle on hover (my preference) to make grabbing easier. And when you're in a hurry the pixel seems to get smaller.