Feature Highlight: Hiding Markups

This week, we're highlighting how to hide markups in Bluebeam Revu temporarily!

Temporarily hide markups in Bluebeam Revu to quickly surface and interact with markups whose visibility is obscured by overlapping markups. Here's how to:

Hide Markups:

  • Right-click the markup(s) you want to hide on the document or from the Markups List and click the Hide icon
  • A box indicating how many markups are hidden will appear in the corner of your screen

View & Unhide Markups:

  • Hover over this box to view the hidden markups
  • Click this box to unhide the markups

Note: Hiding a markup is temporary and will not save. When Hide Markup mode is enabled, markups will not be shown or printed.

Share with us!

  • How often are you hiding and unhiding markups?
  • Do you ever have to hide and unhide layers only to hide a handful of markups?
  • How do you envision this feature could help you in the future?


  • akhikund
    akhikund Posts: 14

    This is nice and useful feature, thanks for sharing

  • Duane Gingras
    Duane Gingras Posts: 33
    edited December 19

    i rarely ever need to hide a markup. However filtering in the markup list is regularly used. Markups are dimmed to about 40% so they are still visible but grey. I have, in a couple of instances in the past, used layers to quickly turn on/off a collection of markups. But because you have to go into layer to do this it's used less frequently. So, in this case my go to is filtering. (edit for bad typing)

  • This is very useful in sessions as we often have many people doing markups for different equipment at the same time.

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 160
    edited December 19

    @Duane Gingras - ahh good call out on filtering the Markups List. Thanks for mentioning this!

    @Margaret Collins - so smart to do this during Sessions. I sometimes get overwhelmed when I see all the Markups. Thanks for sharing!