Phoenix Bluebeam User Group (PhxBUG)
About PhxBUG
PhxBUG was the second BUG to launch back in 2015. The group is extremely passionate about technology and utilizing their resources to maximize efficiency and productivity. Not only is PhxBUG filled with industry technology enthusiasts, but the group cares a great deal about community involvement. During their meetings, comments like “How can we involve local AEC collegiate programs?”, “Let’s get our local municipalities and code reviewers involved in these meetings!”, “Can we all try to get more owners and developers involved?” fill the room.
Companies Involved
WSP, ▪️ Corgan, ▪️ Chasse Building Team ▪️ Devenney Group Architects ▪️ JE Dunn Construction ▪️ Arrington Watkins Architects
Meet your local bug leaders!
Carina Wright
Carina has been an interior designer since 2012, with a niche focus on healthcare design. For five years, she lived in Chicago, Illinois, where she discovered the ChiBUG and found other amazingly techies who geeked out over Bluebeam. After moving back to Arizona, she knew joining the PhxBUG was a must-do to bring some of that “love for learning energy” to the southwest! Carina is looking forward to some mind-blowing tips & tricks – so look out!
Rebecca Yu
Rebecca has been a passionate Bluebeam user since it was a plug-in for AutoCAD. Rebecca has spent her 20 year career in the civil AEC industry teaching and supporting Civil 3D. However, when her company transitioned to Bluebeam in 2016, Rebecca was tapped to lead the charge. Since then, Rebecca has taught Bluebeam to hundreds of users, leads internal company user group meetings, conducts quarterly training sessions, and posts weekly tips. Despite all her experience, Rebecca is always amazed when she learns a new trick – which is on a regular basis! Rebecca is excited to share what she knows and learn from her fellow BUG members.
🗓️2024 Q4 BUG event!Get ready, everyone! We have another great joint BUG event planned for you with NorCal BUG next we…
Don't miss the Phoenix & Northern California BUG meeting!This BUG meeting will be a joint effort with Phx BUG and NorCAL BUG! Agenda: Learn how to make cust…
PhxBUG is BRINGING the 🔥HEAT🔥We are officially here and ready to rock the Bluebeam Community! No more LinkedIn Group, and hello …
👋 Meet your PhxBUG Champion!Carina Wright Carina has been an interior designer since 2012, with a niche focus on healthcare des…