Why aren't there tools to create floor plans?
I often need to draw floor plans. This seems like an important tool that should be a given, right? Anyways, I would love that feature…
Curious what that would look like.
We can already draw lines, double lines, spaces, toolsets with doors and windows, etc. So what's missing or how can this be improved?
I'm not saying this isn't a good idea, I'm just trying to understand the workflow you're wanting.
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I also want to know more…
Would this be a schematic floor plan for the architect/designer?
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There are a multitude of available CAD programs that already do that and fit most budgets.
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@SpokaneBUG Thanks for replying! I have not found this toolset after scouring…where can I find it? Walls (obv), Wall openings, Doors, Windows, Stairs (open above, open below), Cabinets, Sinks, Showers, Light Fixtures (Mostly Sconces), appliances, flooring types and directions, etc…
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Here are some tool sets you can download from Bluebeam -
You may have to create some of your own if you don't find what you're looking for -
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