Minimizing Sections within Markups List

When minimizing sections of the markup list then changing a status of a markup, the list then fully expands. It would be nice to keep sections minimized when possible.

Sections only seem to stay minimized when utilizing split screen and going between documents.

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  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 348
    edited September 2024

    Wait, hare are you creating a parent subject that is different from the individual subject?

    Is this a 21 feature, a hidden tool, or dark magic?

  • No parent subject created. The comments are organized by page label, so the subjects are grouped by page allowing me to minimize. Unfortunately, minimizing doesn't stay when changing a comment status.

  • Oh, I see the page label now. The format was too foreign to my architect's mind to recognize.

    As for staying in the collapsed state… I agree, changing status shouldn't expand the markup.