What measurement tool to use for footings?
I work for a concrete construction company. I am new to Bluebeam and am wondering what tool would I use to measure foundation footings around the perimeter of a building that the walls sit on. Or even how to measure the basement walls for a home to figure out how much concrete is needed for that foundation. Say, for example, you have someone that wants 8" wide walls that are 10' deep for their basement. What took would I use to measure that area to get the concrete total?
You can use the Volume measurement tool and set the Depth (in the Measurements panel) to your desired value. In this case 10'. Then you can outline each wall (North wall, South wall, etc.) In the marksup list you'd be able to get the overall total of all the walls.
You can also then create tool chest items for specific depth values if it would speed up the markup process. One tool is for 10' walls, another is for 12' tall walls and so forth. These can also be set to cubic yards.
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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I think the challenge here is getting the footing as well as the wall. The footing areas can vary in width and thickness depending on the depth of the wall and soil conditions. So when setting your "depth" add the equivalent footing portion.
2x3 footing on an 8" wall would be an additional 9' of wall. 2'x3'=6', 6'/(8") = 6'/.66' = 9'
Alternatively, you could do the footings separately from the walls which would probably be easier and faster.
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Thank you!!
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I see how you can do a depth measurement with the volume tool; but how do you make it do width as well. For example the volume tool only shows me how to concrete floor, say a 10x10 room measured out that is 6" in depth. What if I want to measure out the walls first that are 10" thick and 9' in depth - around the perimeter of the building or home
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