Buttons for Actions on the PDF

I used to be able to do this with Adobe Acrobat (years ago, before I switch to Bb). I could put button on my PDF an dassign them actions (generaly to turn a layer on or off, or a prescribed filter). This is likely the only feature from Adobe I miss.

Why? I'd like to have butttons I can drop on my files that have preset actions fo rthe users. "Active markups", "outstanding issues", "Hide overlay" for example. Insteand of the users going into their makrup list and applying a series of filters each time, to have a button with an assigned action.

I know people can do all this with th emarkup list filter or opening their layers tab. But by and large they don't. And everytime I show them they are amazed and then proceed to not do it and not bother with some of these nuance tools that could work very well for sorting info on a drawing.

4 votes

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  • Having some one-click presets would be awesome.

  • That does sound awesome!

  • Peter Noyes
    Peter Noyes Posts: 47
    edited September 2024

    You can control layer visibility via JavaScript that can be run from a button click. We just don't have a UI around it. Here is an example JavaScript that would toggle the visibility of a layer named 'Red':

    var layers = this.getOCGs();
    for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
    if (layers[i].name == "Red")
    layers[i].state = !layers[i].state;

    getOCGs() refers to "Optional Content Groups" which is what layers are referred to in the PDF specification