Status Properties Highlight Color
While there is currently a way for markups to change colors based on their current status, it would be beneficial for the original markup color to remain and for the background of the comment to change color. Think of when working with paper documents and using a highlighter on a markup. Understand there's a highlighter tool in Bluebeam already, this however allows the highlighter to have some significance as a status of a markup.
Have you tried using the Markup Status and changing your "picked-up" items to yellow (like a highlighter)? I have used this method for years, and it works great as a way to "block the noise" from what is a redline and what has yet to be picked up. Plus, the filtering makes it even cleaner to act as a to-do list!
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I've done what @Carina describes but I think @Ryan B. Benedict is asking to change the comment background color rather than the font color. I prefer the "clean-up" methodology but can see how the highlight method could appeal to different users.
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+1 for the background / highlight method!
I agree with Ryan and this use case also applies to me.
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