Integrate Bluebeam Studio with OneDrive

Integrating Bluebeam Studio with OneDrive would help keep Studio folders up to date and minimize double entry. For people who work primarily in OneDrive and post/share files (such as RFIs) using Studio, integrating the two systems would eliminate the need to save an RFI to a OneDrive folder and a Studio folder.

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  • TimS
    TimS Posts: 1

    yeah I second this. The double entry is a hard sell to the team, we run everything on SharePoint/onedrive. Really can’t understand why this isn’t an option, it would save them from having to host a ton of data

  • This isn't my workflow so I'm curious how this goes. Do you want to use SharePoint instead of Projects, or do you want to host the Session files on SharePoint instead of on Bluebeam's servers?

    Regarding Session hosting, I assume it's a security issue for Bluebeam since they can't run their backend software on a remote location.

    Is your issue that Sessions are on Bluebeam and other files are on SharePoint? Why are the same files on both platforms? Could you just host everything in a Bluebeam Project?