Saving PDF to my iPAD after editing it with Bluebeam iPad

How can I save a PDF to my iPAD after editing it with Bluebeam iPad?

When I open and markup a PDF that is on my iPad with Bluebeam iPad the changes do not show up in the PDF that is on my iPad.

Thank you


  • I did not think you could save anything to your iPad?

  • Aloha Bob,

    Right now the path to save a PDF edited with Bluebeam on an iPad are:

    1. Select the Send To icon 
    2. Select Open In from the options 
    3. Then Save to Files 
    4. From here you can choose to save files to On my iPad or iCloud 

    This is a pretty lengthy process just to save an edited PDF.

    Four steps is too many just to save an edited PDF.
    I have put in a request to ask that this process be simplified with less steps.