Spaces colors to show up on other PDF documents

Brian.vanthoogt Posts: 2
edited July 25 in Peer Support

Hello, I ran into a bug when using the spaces tool. The spaces tool is a great tool that I discovered a few weeks ago. Being able to mark an area, color code it, name it, and drop different shapes/components in the space and it automatically assigns it to the space is an amazing feature.

The only problem is when someone else who does not have Bluebeam tries to open up a PDF document that has Bluebeam Spaces markups on it, the color and borders of the spaces all disappear. The user only sees the background image of whatever it may be. In my instance the back of a mechanical drawing.

I worked with Bluebeam techs support to come up with an issue. They suggested taking a snip-it and pasting that in the document. This would work however, the problem is there would be a clear resolution issue and that would not look professional when sending to a customer. Secondly, they tried a few other things that unfortunately didn't work. The last thing that they did that did work was converting all of the spaces into area measurement.

The area measurement worked however, now all of the spaces are gone because they've been converted to area measurement. It renders the spaces tool useless at this point which is a shame because I really enjoy everything it has to offer.

So, to recap, the only bug that I see with the spaces tool is the color not showing up on non Bluebeam PDF documents.

Attached is a document that I was using that has Spaces included in it. If you open with Bluebeam you will see the spaces. If you open with PDF editor, edge, chrome, or any other PDF viewer all you will see are the tag names.

Thank you,

Brian. V


  • Ken Phelps
    Ken Phelps Posts: 26


    Not sure this is what you're looking for, but you can use the Print dialog and check the box for Include Spaces. This will print a new PDF file where the areas you assigned a space to will come out as a shaded area. These don't include any informational data though. Just a shaded region where the space was defined. This should be viewable in any PDF software.

    Ken Phelps

    Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD

  • @Ken Phelps Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for this solution, it worked perfectly in PDF editor software.