What BUGs you?
Luke Shiras
Posts: 400
Are you a member of a local Bluebeam User Group (BUG)? Would you like to be?
Connect with people in your area and find out what others in your area are doing with Bluebeam. Get access to in-person and streamed seminars and network with people in your industry and maybe even learn from those outside your industry.
If you're already an active member, share which BUG(s) you are a part of and what you like best about being part of a BUG.
I'm a member of several BUGs. One for each region I've worked in.
Spokane, Northern California, San Diego, and Pheonix BUGs. I learn a lot from the various webinars which is why I stay in the local BUG even after I move away.
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