Callout disappears on Full Page, but can view in Scrolling Pages if zoomed out

In the third image below, the callout appears. The only changes is switching between Full Page view and Scrolling Pages and zooming out a bit. The change between Full page and Scrolling Pages is by the UI buttons in the lower left below the document pane. Zooming was done by holding the Ctrl key and using the mouse wheel.

This annotation was a copy and paste from the page above.

I'm planning to flatten prior to sharing with anyone.

Thanks for any assistance!



  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 452

    That is a mystery. Is there anything different between the markups other than the color? Maybe it's too close to the edge. Does it still happen if you nudge the markup to the right? Does it happen if you change the markup to a darker color?

  • DougBarense
    DougBarense Posts: 2

    It was no closer to the edge than others that it was copied and pasted from. FYI: I closed the file and the issue persisted. I ultimately deleted it and copied and pasted another, without the different color, and it worked without issue.