Closing BB Session as administrator

Hi, I would like to know if there is any way to close BB sessions made by other user inside my compagny ? By default, when creating session, the permission of session are very limited and closing is possible only by the person who create the session. Thus, is that person quit the company, it should be a way, by the administrator to manage the sessions created by an employe. It is very important when archiving the project.




  • bcostlow
    bcostlow Posts: 76

    The current owner would have to reassign ownership of the session and/or assign Full Control to other users.

    My guess is the only other option would be to reach out to the official Bluebeam support team to see if there's anything they can do at a case-by-case basis? I wouldn't know if that's a worthwhile approach though.

    A best practice might be to create and manage a user group that is given Full Control permissions, and make it the standard practice for all sessions. Single points of failure are no fun.

    BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH