javascript stamp issue.

good day brother & sister bluebeam users,
our organization developed a stamp with a javascript prompt for a calculation.
as of late, the stamp has been giving an incorrect calculation.
any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
many thanks!
@Liz Larsen & @Isaac.Harned any suggestions for @kwatson?
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Hmm it seems like there is code missing from this, I would have to know step by step what it is supposed to do (just an HVAC guy here lol). Is the Backfill height the only thing it is calculating? What is the calculation supposed to be? What does the "As Per" mean in this? Would you also be able to share the stamp file? Sorry for the flurry.
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What you've shown is not the code that's doing the calculation. I'd be happy to take a look at it if you're comfortable sending me the file.
Otherwise, you can show us the code we're looking for by going into the form fields for the stamp and finding a field called "calc" or "calculation". Then go into the form field properties, scroll all the way to the bottom, find Calculate and then select the Edit button.
From there, you can copy the text that it gives you and show us here. Then we'll be able to better assist.
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thank you so very much Liz!
Found it.
Will message you directly.1 -
@Isaac.Harned thank you for the interest brother.
will be sharing this in an upcoming bb presentation.1
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