Problem: Snapshots change scale when adjusting rotation in properties tab

When I adjust the rotation of a snapshot using the properties tab, the scale changes as well. Why?

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Active · Last Updated


  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 372

    I can't reproduce this, so it doesn't seem to be a "feature." Have you updated recently? Should you?

  • Luke, this only occurs after inserting a snapshot at scale from a tool chest into a plan sheet of a different scale.

  • The steps are:

    1. Take a snapshot
    2. paste it on the page
    3. right click and add to tool chest
    4. set scale of tool chest to match original snapshot page
    5. go to a new page with a different scale setting
    6. select the scaled tool from the tool chest and add it to the new page
    7. assign a rotation from the properties tab

    You'll notice that the scale changes after rotating the scales snapshot.

  • MKnighton
    MKnighton Posts: 6

    @Luke Shiras Can you reproduce this problem? Any thoughts on fixes?

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 372

    I'll give it a try in the morning.

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 372

    @MKnighton I followed your instructions, and the first time I tried it, the scale seemed to jump. I then undid my actions, and I noticed the scale went from 130 to 120 and then 110. So I tried it again, and the scale didn't change after that. I deleted the original snapshot tool, tried three times, and couldn't reproduce the results.