Problem: Snapshots change scale when adjusting rotation in properties tab

When I adjust the rotation of a snapshot using the properties tab, the scale changes as well. Why?
I can't reproduce this, so it doesn't seem to be a "feature." Have you updated recently? Should you?
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Luke, this only occurs after inserting a snapshot at scale from a tool chest into a plan sheet of a different scale.
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The steps are:
- Take a snapshot
- paste it on the page
- right click and add to tool chest
- set scale of tool chest to match original snapshot page
- go to a new page with a different scale setting
- select the scaled tool from the tool chest and add it to the new page
- assign a rotation from the properties tab
You'll notice that the scale changes after rotating the scales snapshot.
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@Luke Shiras Can you reproduce this problem? Any thoughts on fixes?
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@MKnighton I followed your instructions, and the first time I tried it, the scale seemed to jump. I then undid my actions, and I noticed the scale went from 130 to 120 and then 110. So I tried it again, and the scale didn't change after that. I deleted the original snapshot tool, tried three times, and couldn't reproduce the results.
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@Luke Shiras Thanks for trying this out. I tried pasting and then undoing and rotating again, but got very consistent results, even after deleting and re-inserting.
I'm not sure where to go from here. At best, we have inconsistent scale problems; at worst, we have consistent scale problems. At what point (and how?) does this get escalated to BB to address?
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Incidentally, I consider this a significant issue because inserting scaled snapshots is the only way I know of to move markups at scale from one drawing to another, which is a feature I use often. It's common for the drawings to have different north arrows, so rotating scaled snapshots is also common. Having to fix the scale after rotating is a nuisance, given the lack of alternatives methods for scaling markups between drawings.
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Honestly, I would try reinstalling BB. It feels like a glitch in the software somewhere. If that doesn't fix it, then I'd reach out to BB and submit a ticket (or whatever they call it)
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