Selecting language


I was wondering if there was a way to change my language to English for my tool chest?

As can be seen in image attached, I have already changed the language to English as seen by the tabs on the top of the image. However, the Tool chest symbols inside remain in a different language.

can anyone help me with fixing this?

Best Answer

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 347
    Answer ✓

    Interesting problem. It would be nice to switch that as easily but it seems the name/title is a manual field so you have to update them by hand.

    Expand the Tool Chest tab and select Manage Tool Sets. Then Highlight the toolset and select Modify… Then rename the tool as you see fit. I can't think of an easier/faster way but maybe someone knows how to open the code where you can do a replace-all search.


  • Ryan G
    Ryan G Posts: 2

    Hi Luke,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    Your advice was very helpful & I was able to change the names in my tool chest.

    Again, thank you for your help with this